Message on the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross (Mary MacKillop) (Yr B
Friday 6th August 2021
My dear people,
We find ourselves in yet another lockdown due to finish on Thursday 12th August 2021. As the day progressed yesterday and it became clearer that we might go into a lockdown I felt sick to my stomach and had to take a few deep breaths in order to settle myself. It is in moments like these that we have to remind ourselves of the anchor our faith in Jesus Christ is for us. Furthermore, over the past and next few days we celebrated and will celebrate great saints of our tradition. St Ignatius of Loyola (Feast Day 31st July) who founded the Jesuits, St Alphonsus Liguori (Feast Day 1st August) who founded the Redemptorists, St Peter Julian Eymard (Feast Day 2nd August) who founded the Blessed Sacrament Fathers, St Dominic (Feast Day 3rd August) who founded the Dominicans, and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, Patron Saint of Australia, (Feast Day 8th August) who founded the Josephite Sisters.
There is no denying that founding their respective orders would not have been easy tasks. They would have had to convince Church authorities that what they were doing would have benefited the Church. They would have had to find and convince likeminded people to join their endeavour. They would also have had to convince the rest of the people to listen and hearken to their message. One can only imagine that this would have required immense courage and fortitude. They stand for us, hundreds of years after the time they walked this earth, as formidable examples to follow. Particularly in these times when, assailed by lockdown fatigue, the threat of job losses, and the tantrums of children who find remote learning hard, we feel like we have no source of strength and courage to draw from. Let us remember that we can always turn to Jesus for strength and courage in the same way that these great founders of religious orders did. Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration. On the occasion of his transfiguration, Jesus showed Peter, James and John his glory so that his passion and death would not stop them from announcing the Good News after he had left the earth. Having had a glimpse of his glory, they would remember what awaits all who make Jesus their anchor. In the midst of this sixth lockdown, let us stay close to Jesus.
I invite you to have look at the message I sent yesterday, which is also on the website, for details of the times of live streaming of Masses.
This latest lockdown means that some baptisms will not be celebrated tomorrow. It also means that, for a third time, the confirmation of candidates from Christ the Priest Catholic Primary School have had to be postponed. Words can’t express my sadness for these young people and their families. It was only last week that I visited them to talk to them about this wonderful day in their lives. I will meet with the Principal and REL on Tuesday morning to come up with another date for the confirmation.
We continue turning to our patron saint and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP