28 College Street Caroline Springs, VIC, 3023 | Phone: 03 8361 9822 |



Friday 24th June 2022.

My dear people,

Sadly, we are all getting ready to say good bye to Fr Simeon. A reminder that his farewell will take place immediately following the 12pm Mass on Sunday 26th June in the cafeteria of CRC and will be a “Bring and Share.” You are all welcome to attend Fr Simeon’s farewell. The event will give us an opportunity to formally thank him for his various contributions to the life of the parish. Fr Simeon has started as well as been involved with many ministries in the parish during his time here and has given himself to them in a wonderful way. We will all certainly miss his pastoral heart, his acronyms during his homilies and his joyfulness. There will be a “leaving collection” for Fr Simeon and you are invited to make a contribution. This way, Fr Simeon will be free to avail himself of something that he may yet need for his priestly ministry.

As Fr Simeon leaves, Fr Joel will arrive. Fr Joel will join the parish from this Wednesday and you will be able to meet him next week and show him a wonderful welcome here at our parish.

Many of you met Nick when you came to Mass last Sunday. He is a seminarian from the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York. Nick will be with us until 17th July as part of a pastoral internship. I am sure that his time among us will be a wonderful experience on his journey of discernment and I invite you to make him welcome.

As announced last week, Llewy Berchy, Ann O’Brien and I will go to the Divine Renovation Conference at St Anne’s Parish in Dallas, Texas next month. Following the Conference, we will spend four days in the parish of St John the Evangelist, St John, Indiana where we hope to learn from a parish which has been on the Divine Renovation journey a bit longer than us. We will all share with you what our hopes are, why we desire to attend the conference and ways in which we will put all that we learn into practise in our parish. We will also communicate more about Divine Renovation over the next weeks and months.

As I write this message, many of you will be gearing up for the school holidays. May I wish all those in our community who will be on holidays next week a very happy two weeks of break. May this time be restful and help you to recharge your batteries.

We continue turning to our patron saint, and we ask for her intercession.

St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.


Yours sincerely in Christ,

Fr Richard Rosse PP

St Catherine Of Siena Parish Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule

Monday:  9:30am

Tuesday: 7:00pm
Wednesday:  9:30am
Thursday:  9:30am
Friday:  9:30am

Saturday: 9:30am & 6:00pm
Sunday:  8:30am, 10:30am & 12:30pm


Tuesday: 6:00 pm

Saturday:  8:45 am, 10:00 am and 5:00 pm or by appointment if these times don’t suit.