Friday 30th September 2022.
My dear people,
The school holidays are coming to an end today with students going back to school on Monday. I hope that these two weeks away from the pressures surrounding school have brought about a sense of peace and relaxation.
Following up on the announcement last week that Mary had decided to finish up her volunteering work at the office at the end of October, and after discussions with the Human Resources Department of the Archdiocese, it has been decided to start the process of recruiting Mary’s replacement. An ad is being prepared by the HR Department at the moment. If you or anyone you know might be interested in the position, you are welcome to talk to me or Mary.
Last week, I met with the people from the Building and Properties Department of the Archdiocese. I informed them that, after discussions with the PLT and with one of their former clients, we had selected a company to commence the auditing of our facilities to assess our needs into the future. I will certainly have more to say about that very soon. A reminder that NO decision has been made about the future of our parish and we are STILL at the stage of auditing our facilities.
I would like to sincerely thank everyone who came to the Parish BBQ organised last Sunday. It was a great opportunity to bring the parish together. I would also like to thank all those who organised the event. I invite you to keep an eye out for activities like this one and others which bring us together as a parish community and to put them in your diary.
One of the important duties performed by volunteers in our parish is that of cleaning the church. Unfortunately, at the moment, we have only about half a dozen parishioners who volunteer for this very important job. Isn’t it wonderful to come to a clean church for our worship every weekend! This certainly happens through the hard work of volunteers. I am thus making an appeal to the parish because we are in dire need of people joining this important ministry. At the moment, the majority of our cleaners are over 70 years old and it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to perform this duty every week. I sincerely plead with you to consider joining this ministry. If you are able to assist, please contact the parish office.
We continue turning to our patron saint, and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP