Lent 2024
109. The Lenten season has a twofold character: 1) it recalls baptism or prepares for it; 2) it stresses a penitential spirit. By these means especially, Lent readies the faithful for celebrating the paschal mystery after a period of closer attention to the Word of
Ablaze Youth Group
St Catherine of Siena, Ablaze Youth Group, Caroline Springs Catholic Regional College School Hall Every Friday Night For Youth in High school (Year 7 - 12) 6 -8pm Email: stcatherineyg@gmail.com
Ablaze Playgroup
Ablaze Playgroup all those with preschool-aged children to come and play. We run every Thursday 10:30 - 12:00pm (during school terms) at the back of the church. Sessions include free play, snack time, story time and songs. Email: ablazeplaygroup@cam.org.au Phone: 8361 9822