Friday 9th February 2024
My dear people,
As mentioned last week, there was a fruitful meeting about the church refurbishments on the 19th December last year. I forgot to mention last week that it was decided to form a “Building Committee” to oversee the project. Membership of the committee is open to the whole parish. If you would like to be a member of the committee, please let me know by 5pm on Friday 16th February. If you know someone who would be an asset to the committee, please encourage that person to contact me by 5pm on Friday 16th February.
We will conduct the survey on the weekend of the 17th and 18th February to determine the change of Mass times in the parish. As mentioned in my letter dated 14th December 2023, the survey will ask you to decide one of two options. The options will be either 8am, 10am and 12pm, or 8:30am, 10:30am and 12:30pm. We will go with the option which shows itself as the preferred one and thus the consensus from the parish survey. For those not attending Mass here that weekend, an opportunity will be provided for you to have your say.
It is hard to believe it, but Lent is already upon us with Ash Wednesday falling on next Wednesday 14th February. Masses with the imposition of ashes will be at 9:30am and 7:30pm. We will also pray the Stations of the Cross together every Friday during Lent at 10am (immediately following the 9:30am Mass), and at 7pm. This means that Mass with Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the first Friday of March will be at 7:30pm. During the Season of Lent, there will also be the Bible Study on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the meeting rooms.
I am delighted to bring you the wonderful news that a seminarian has been appointed to our parish for his pastoral internship. Greg Lewis will begin his time with us on the weekend of the 18thFebruary and will be here until the 25th December. Greg hails from the parish of St Francis Xavier in Corio and is a 4th year seminarian at Corpus Christi College studying for the Sacred Priesthood for the Archdiocese of Melbourne. I invite you to make him welcome when he arrives in two weeks. Greg’s appointment here is somewhat an answer to prayers for vocations which are part of our parish daily prayers.
As we begin the new year, the PLT will have a planning day on Saturday the 24th February. I invite you to pray for us as we dedicate a day to discern what is best for the parish in terms of missionary renewal. I try my best to have an open-door policy in the way the parish is managed. I sincerely encourage you to share with me any ideas, concerns, or feedback you may have. If you feel uneasy talking to me, kindly talk to another member of the PLT or a member of the parish staff.
We continue turning to our patron saint and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP