Friday 10th June 2022.
My dear people,
Our celebrations for Pentecost Sunday last week went very well. I would like to thank everyone involved in the Prayers of the Faithful, preparing and praying the petitions in different languages, the International Food Day and the Prayer Rally. I was delighted to see the parish come together for all these activities which remind us of the bonds of friendship and fellowship we share. May the Holy Spirit continue to breathe on us and help us to radiate the light of Christ to everyone we meet.
As announced last week, Fr Simeon will conclude his time among us on 29th June. There will be an opportunity to formally farewell him on Sunday 26th June. It will be a “Bring and Share” lunch immediately following the 12pm Mass on that day. A booking system with TryBooking will be set up very shortly and the details communicated to you.
There is also some movement in the composition of two parish groups. The first is the Parish Finance Committee (PFC). Pat Gurrie has indicated that he would like to step down as chair of the committee. With great sadness, I will see Pat leave this job which he has performed exemplarily and I sincerely thank him for that. Pat will remain a member of the PFC. I have asked Vicki Forbes to be the chair of the committee and she has graciously accepted the role, for which I am grateful. Another parishioner, Joe Sequeira, has accepted my invitation to join the PFC.
In addition to stepping down as the chair of the PFC, Pat has also indicated that he wants to step down as the coordinator of the Piety Stall. Pat has also performed a stellar job at this for which I also thank him. Pat will remain in the Piety Stall Group. Hyacinth Philips has accepted my invitation to be the coordinator of the Piety Stall.
On 17th June, our Ablaze Youth leaders have organised Mass and Adoration starting at 7pm. While this is principally for the young people in our parish, every parishioner is invited.
Earlier this year, I was contacted by the Vocations Director of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York, and asked whether I would consider hosting a seminarian for a month as part of a pastoral internship. Nicholas Waldron is going to be with us from 18th June (next Saturday) until 17th July. I am sure that Nicholas’ time among us will be a wonderful experience on his journey of discernment.
This Sunday, we will welcome parishioners who do not attend our catholic schools as they celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Martin Ashe, the Auxiliary Bishop for the Western Region, will confirm the candidates. We pray for all these younger parishioners of ours. We also thank Bishop Ashe for his generosity in confirming our parishioners.
This week, another architect came to have a look at our facilities and provided us with advice on how to proceed with plans for the future of the parish. We will be advised on whether changes can be made to our existing facilities in order to accommodate future needs or whether we need to find another site and start from scratch with the facilities. Again, I reiterate that nothing has been decided yet. I will communicate with you at every step of this process.
May I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Let us remember that God is a unity of three persons and we are all invited to foster unity with all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
As always, I am available for any comments, questions or questions and also feedback about the parish.
We continue turning to our patron saint, and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP