Friday 28th July 2023
My dear people,
As mentioned several weeks ago, our youth group sessions are now led by members of the Alliance of the Holy Family International (AHFI). I am pleased to report that they continue to be going very well, meeting weekly. In order to help with their ongoing activities, the Youth Group is organising a fund raiser on Saturday 5th August 2023. I hope this date has been locked in all your diaries. It will be a fun night of trivia and will provide an opportunity for the parish to come together for some fellowship.
The members of the AHFI will also organise a “Family Day” on 6th August. It will start with the 10:30am Mass followed by lunch at the CRC Hall. The day will conclude at 2:30pm. Please bring a plate to share. The day will be filled with lots of fun, games, activities and talks for families and children. Please RSVP to the following number 0404380305.
I am pleased to announce we are bringing back the collection at all Masses and this will start again on the weekend of 5th and 6th August. That same weekend, we will also bring back the offertory procession. If you would like to help with these, kindly see me before Mass.
It was wonderful to have the Relic of Our Lady of Tears with us for a novena for the past week. We have averaged 40 people attending the Novena Masses and Prayers this week. Let us continue to offer our petitions, intentions, and prayers to our Lady under her title of Our Lady of Tears.
I am pleased to announce that we will be organising a parish mission to be held here from 28th to 30th August. The archdiocese has invited Mr John Pridmore to lead the missions in five parishes of the archdiocese and we are one of them. The title of the mission is “Gangland to Promised Land – Melbourne Tour.” Please refer to the flyer in the bulletin as well as in the gathering space for more information. The Parish Mission will be run from 7:30pm until 8:30pm. John will also be here to talk to us at the Masses of 26th and 27th August.
We continue turning to our patron saint and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP