Friday 25th October 2024.
My dear people,
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the success of the Annual Fundraising Concert tribute to Tom Jones and Elvis Presley. I thank everyone who had a role to play, whether small or big, in making the night a great occasion to bring the parish together. It was also a wonderful opportunity for some entertainment. Big thanks to Sean Spiteri and his team for performing on the night, to Matthew Spiteri for the organisation, to Jamie Madigan for making the use of the CRC Performing Arts Centre possible and to Sonny and Jenny Mallia and their team for their great efforts. The biggest thanks go to all those of you who were present on the night!
I would also like to thank you for your cooperation in filling out the parish census cards last weekend. I found the response to be simply overwhelming! As I previously mentioned, we conduct our thanksgiving campaign every three years. The campaign is preceded by the parish census where we obtain information about the demographics of the parish. The census is now completed.
In my weekly message of 10th May this year, I mentioned to you that our Evangelisation Coordinator, Ann O’Brien, had requested to reduce her working hours at the parish, from 20 to 8 hours per week commencing 20th May. I also mentioned that we had discussed her role and that she would concentrate solely on evangelisation and missionary renewal. Since then, the PLT has realised that there is a gap which needs to be filled to continue other aspects of the role of Evangelisation Coordinator in our parish. As such, a recruitment process will be started to employ someone to share the role of Evangelisation Coordinator with Ann.
We are blessed that Ablaze Youth has been chosen to host the Encounter Evening organised by the Archdiocese of Melbourne. This unforgettable evening is tailor-made for high school students, offering a unique opportunity to encounter Jesus with prayer, fellowship, food, and, of course, a whole lot of fun. The event will also include Adoration and Reconciliation. It will be held tonight, 25 October 2024 from 6.00pm to 9.00pm at the CRC Hall. All are welcome.
Our monthly parish BBQ will resume, following a break during the colder months, this Sunday 27th October. It will be straight after the 12:30pm Mass. You are all most welcome. It would be great to see many people there and we hope that those who have not attended the 12:30pm Mass will also return for some fellowship and nice food.
We continue turning to our patron saint and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP