Tuesday 24th December 2024
My dear people,
It is interesting to note that every year around this time we experience the same sort of excitement. I guess it is because we realise that the end of the year is drawing very near, and the approach of the new year represents a bit of a reset to which we all look forward. The excitement is also due to Christmas, the celebration of the Birth of Our Lord; the celebration we have been waiting for since the start of Advent. The birth of Jesus is the decisive event in the history of salvation and of humanity. The birth of the Son of God brings us joy and peace because it represents the light which removes all darkness, especially the darkness of sin.
Our Mass times are:
Tuesday 24 December | 5pm, 7pm, 9pm & 12 midnight
(with carols sung half-an-hour before)
Wednesday 25 December | 8:30am & 10:30am only
(No 12:30pm Mass or evening services)
This year has certainly had its own set of challenges throughout the world. We remember parts the world being ravaged by war particularly the situation in the Middle East, in Ukraine, in Sudan and so many other areas. There have been many natural disasters as well around the world and one very close to us in Vanuatu, only last week. Let us spare a thought and pray particularly for all those families who for the first time will have an empty seat at the table. These are to be acknowledged because they remind us that unfortunately, there is evil and suffering in the world, and they cause tears to be shed.
However, we, disciples of Jesus, believe firmly that tragedies and evil are not the final word. The celebration of the birth of Jesus is an opportune reminder that one day this child will suffer and die for us so that every tear will be wiped away. Once the tears are wiped and time starts diminishing the pain, we know that God will provide the strength and courage required to continue with our own pilgrimage. This certainty accompanies us in all parts of our lives, be it at our work or in our family and indeed in everything that makes up our lives.
While in no way diminishing the seriousness of the pain of loss, I thought that it would be good to think about our achievements as a parish community this year. Firstly, we completed our eleventh Alpha. Through Alpha, many people deepened their faith while others re-discovered the beauty of their faith, and many have joined ministries as a way to serve God. Through our two catholic primary schools and the Society of Chistian Doctrine, more than 300 of our younger parishioners have celebrated the Sacraments of either Reconciliation, Confirmation or received Holy Communion for the first time. At the Easter Vigil, we welcomed three parishioners as members of the parish as they completed their Christian initiation. We ran three Leadership Summits with ministry coordinators and with members of their ministries. We conducted our census in October in preparation for our Thanksgiving Campaign and we launched our re-branded Young Adults Groups in the middle of November. The last event of the year, our Carols by Candlelight, has been a resounding success. These are the main events and you and I know there are many more smaller events which also need to be celebrated.
As we come to the end of the year I would like to sincerely thank, from the bottom of my heart, all the people who contribute to making our parish the wonderful community it is. I thank the office staff, the coordinators of ministries, and everyone involved in all the ministries. I would also like to thank the members of the Leadership Team. Most importantly, all of you, the disciples of Jesus Christ here at St Catherine of Siena Caroline Springs. Thank you for your support and your love, which I treasure immensely.
Please be advised that the parish office will be closed from noon today and will re-open on 2 January. For the month of January, the office will operate at a slower pace and will close at 1:30pm.
My dear people, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2025.
We continue turning to our patron saint and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP