Friday 7th October 2022.
My dear people,
Our parish will run its fifth session of Alpha starting on 12th October. I strongly urge you to think about attending Alpha. We all have gone through times in our lives when we have questioned the very meaning of life. Perhaps you are going through this right now. Perhaps your daughter or son, brother or sister, or colleague is going through this at the moment. Alpha is the best way to reflect on the deeper meaning of life. May I ask you to consider attending and encouraging family, friends and colleagues to attend Alpha? You and they will certainly benefit from it! You can find a promo clip here which you can share with others as well:
Following up on the announcement last week about Mary finishing her volunteering work at the office at the end of October, and after discussions with the Human Resources Department of the Archdiocese, it has been decided to start the process of recruiting for Mary’s replacement. The ad is available here If you or anyone you know might be interested in the position, you are most welcome to talk to Mary or me.
This weekend of 8th/9th October, our parish will host an image and a relic of Our Lady of Tears. The month of October is a Marian month and this will be a wonderful way to venerate our Blessed Mother. Furthermore, members of our parish’s Legion of Mary will pray the rosary together at 8:15am on Sunday and everyone is welcome to join them.
Today is the first Friday of the month and we will have our monthly Friday devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus starting at 7pm this evening with Mass followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. You are all very welcome.
May I repeat the appeal I made last week. As I had mentioned, one of the important duties performed by volunteers in our parish is that of cleaning the church. Unfortunately, at the moment, we have only about half a dozen parishioners who volunteer for this very important job. Isn’t it wonderful to come to a clean church for our worship every weekend! This certainly happens through the hard work of volunteers. I am thus making an appeal to the parish because we are in dire need of people joining this important ministry. At the moment, the majority of our cleaners are over 70 years old and it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to perform this duty every week. I sincerely plead with you to consider joining this ministry. If you are able to assist, please contact the parish office.
We continue turning to our patron saint, and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP