Friday 21st October 2022.
My dear people,
On Wednesday, Suzette Diaz, our HR Partner from the Archdiocese of Melbourne, and I conducted interviews for the position of Parish Secretary. I am delighted to announce that Maggie Mazzullo has been successful. Maggie will start with us on 2nd November. Maggie comes to us with many years of parish experience. I am sure you will welcome Maggie to her new role as you meet her at church and at parish events.
Another update about the future of our parish: representatives from FPPV Architecture, the company helping with the auditing of our facilities, will come to meet with the Leadership Team on Thursday, 10th November. I look forward to communicating with you what happens at that meeting.
The coffee machine, which I mentioned a number of weeks ago, should be here today. One parishioner was very kind to sponsor half of the cost of the machine and I am very grateful for that gesture. Hopefully, more people will stay back after Mass for fellowship now that there will be quality coffee available.
Tuesday 1st November is a public holiday, being Melbourne Cup. It is also All Saints Day. As such, Adoration and Mass will be in the morning that day. Adoration will be at 8:30am and Mass will start at 9:30am. Confession will also be available for the duration of Adoration. On Wednesday 2nd November, All Souls Day, there will be an additional Mass in the parish at 7:30pm.
Fr Joel will be away from the parish for two weeks starting this Sunday after the 10:30am Mass. He will be back on Tuesday 8th November. Fr Joel has worked hard and relentlessly since arriving on 29th June. I have mostly been away from the parish for his first two months with us. I am very grateful to him for all he has done in my absence and continues to do. Let us pray that he will have a wonderful rest and come back to us refreshed for the many activities leading up to Christmas and Christmas itself.
We continue turning to our patron saint, and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP