28 College Street Caroline Springs, VIC, 3023 | Phone: 03 8361 9822 |



Friday 28th October 2022

My dear people,

On Monday afternoon, we got the fantastic news that Natasha had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. Isla Teresa Berchy is a wonderful addition to the Berchy family and we congratulate all of them. I invite you to join me in praying in thanksgiving for the gift that Isla will be to her family. We look forward to meeting her when she comes to Mass.

Last Sunday, our younger parishioners who have been prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation by the Society of Christian Doctrine were confirmed by Bishop Martin Ashe. We thank Bishop Ashe for confirming these parishioners and for all his kindness towards us. Likewise, our younger parishioners who were prepared for First Holy Communion by the Society of Christian Doctrine received Holy Communion for the first time. Let us continue to pray for these younger parishioners, that the Lord will continue to guide them along the ways of discipleship

Tuesday 1st November is a public holiday, being Melbourne Cup. It is also All Saints Day. As such, Adoration and Mass will be in the morning that day. Adoration will be at 8:30am and Mass will start at 9:30am. Confession will also be available for the duration of Adoration. On Wednesday 2nd November, All Souls Day, there will be an additional Mass in the parish at 7:30pm. There will be no Adoration, Confession and Mass in the evening.

The book of Remembrance of the Departed will be available in the gathering space starting this weekend. You are invited to add to the book the names of your deceased loved ones who have died in the last twelve months. Once the names have been included in the book, we pray for these people every year. There is no need to add the same names more than once. Furthermore, as is our parish custom, we will not mention names of deceased loved ones during Mass in November nor have the names in the bulletin since they are included in the book of Remembrance of the Departed. Envelopes for offering Mass for the Repose of the Soul of our deceased loved ones are available on the collection table.

Many of our parishioners have started their VCE exams this week. Let us think and pray for them at this very important time of their lives. May they be granted peace as they approach their exams and may the Holy Spirit help them recall what they have learnt in preparation for their exams.

Yesterday, many parishioners and I went to the cathedral for Mass at 1pm. Archbishop Comensoli was the Principal Celebrant at Mass to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral. Celebrating the Anniversary of the Dedication of St Patrick’s Cathedral reminds us of our unity with the Church in Melbourne. It also highlights that we are all under one Chief Shepherd whose cathedra (seat) is at St Patrick’s Cathedral. Let us continue to pray for our Archbishop, that the Lord will guide him with wisdom and prudence.

Finally, a reminder that our monthly parish BBQ will be held after the 12pm Mass on Sunday 30th October. We had to move it to this Sunday this month because of Confirmation last Sunday. I hope to see many of you there.

We continue turning to our patron saint, and we ask for her intercession.

St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.


Yours sincerely in Christ,

Fr Richard Rosse PP

St Catherine Of Siena Parish Mass Schedule

Mass Schedule

Monday:  9:30am

Tuesday: 7:00pm
Wednesday:  9:30am
Thursday:  9:30am
Friday:  9:30am

Saturday: 9:30am & 6:00pm
Sunday:  8:30am, 10:30am & 12:30pm


Tuesday: 6:00 pm

Saturday:  8:45 am, 10:00 am and 5:00 pm or by appointment if these times don’t suit.