Friday 11th November 2022
My dear people,
This morning I had the privilege of leading the prayer at the Remembrance Day Service held on Lake street organised by the Caroline Springs RSL. Today, on this Remembrance Day, we remember all the men and women who have bravely gone to war to fight for our country. We pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died, for those who have come back wounded and for all their families. Let us also pray that our leaders will always endeavour to find solutions to conflicts which avoid the recourse to wars. May the peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding be with all those affected by wars everywhere.
The meeting between the Parish Leadership Team and the architects yesterday went well. It was an initial meeting where the current facilities and what presently takes place in the parish were discussed at length. They will now analyse the information presented to them and have further requested a detailed list of all the current activities. The architects also said they will develop a survey which will be circulated among all of you, the parishioners, to gauge your viewpoints on these matters. As they say, watch this space.
“Steadfast in Hope,” a retreat for young adults aged between 18 and 25 will be held from 9-11 December at Pallotti College in Millgrove. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our young adults to go to Jesus to find ‘great calm’ (Mt 18:23-27). There are flyers in the gathering space as well as more information in the bulletin with details on how to register.
I take this opportunity to announce the sad news that Kerry-Lee Perry is moving away from the parish at the end of the year. As such, Kerry-Lee will no longer be our Parish Coordinator of Florists. On behalf of the parish, I would like to thank Kerry-Lee for the wonderful work she has done with floral arrangements since the church opened. Her taste has truly been remarkable! We wish Kerry-Lee all the very best with her future endeavours. This also gives me an opportunity to invite more people to join the team of florists in the parish. For more information, please contact the parish office.
Please put in your diaries that our Christmas Carols this year will be on 18th December in the afternoon. After the vibrant success of the carols last year, it was decided to conduct it again. More details about the event will be made available in due course.
The book of Remembrance of the Departed will continue to be available in the gathering space. You are invited to add to the book only names of your deceased loved ones who have died in the last twelve months. Once the names have been included in the book, we will pray for all of them every year. Please note that there is no need to add the same names more than once. Furthermore, as is our parish custom, we will not mention names of deceased loved ones during Mass in November nor have the names in the bulletin since they are included in the Remembrance book. Envelopes for offering Mass for the Repose of the Soul of our deceased loved ones are available on the collection table.
We continue turning to our patron saint, and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP