To baptise means to “immerse” in water. The one who is baptised is immersed in the death of Jesus Christ and rises with him as a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). This sacrament is often called “the door of the Church” because it is the first of the seven sacraments, not only in time but also in priority. The reception of all other sacraments depends on it.
Once baptised, we believe that we are washed clean of original sin. We are brought into the divine life of the Holy Trinity through Sanctifying Grace and we are incorporated into Jesus’ Church. Through baptism, we share in the priesthood of Christ and are brought into communion with all other Christians. Once baptised, we are marked with the indelible seal of Christ and belong to him forever.
If you are seeking the sacrament of Baptism for yourself or your child, please call the parish office on 8361 9822.
(Baptisms are celebrated at 1pm & 2:30pm on the dates listed below.)
November 26 (Preparation on November 9)
December 3 & 17 (Preparation on November 9)
(Baptisms are celebrated at 1pm & 2:30pm on the dates listed below.)
February 4 (Preparation on December 14, 2022)
March 4 (Preparation on February 8)
April 22 (Preparation on March 8)
May 6 & 27 (Preparation on April 12)
June 3 & 24 (Preparation on May 10)
July 1 & 29 (Preparation on June 14)
August 5 & 26 (Preparation on July 12)
September 2 (Preparation on August 9)
October 7 & 28 (Preparation on September 13)
November 4 & 25 (Preparation on October 11)
December 2 & 16 (Preparation on November 8)
The role of a Godparent is very important as they are to assist the parents in presenting the child for baptism, and will help the baptised in leading a Christian life, faithfully fulfilling the obligations connected with it (Code of Canon Law No. 872).
Therefore, great consideration should be given as to who may be able to take on this great honour but huge responsibility. Below are some guidelines.
– A parent may not be a Godparent. You want to get other people on board to help nurture the spiritual life of the one to be baptised.
-A person only requires one Godparent for baptism, but may have two – one male and one female.
– A Godparent must be over 16 years old.
– Godparents must be Catholic and have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.
Even though parents are pivotal in the spiritual development of their child, a Godparent serves to encourage and foster their Godchild’s spiritual growth over time. They should stand as an example of another adult mature in their faith and proactive in maintaining and developing their relationship with Jesus. A Godparent should pray regularly for their Godchild, and as they grow, pray with their Godchild, helping guide them to the person of Jesus. If you are struggling to find someone in your life that you feel can fulfil this role, please speak to one of your priests or someone on the Baptism Team. They may be able to assist you in finding someone within your parish community who can take on this role.