Friday 12th April 2024
My dear people,
I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Divine Mercy Novena in our parish. I pray that it was a time of significant spiritual nourishment as you meditated on the infinite love which Our God has for you. The concluding events starting at 2pm and finishing at 5pm last Sunday were memorable for me. I would like to thank everyone who was involved in organising the novena and those who organised the Mass at 3pm on the 7th April.
We will celebrate our parish Feast Day this year on Saturday 27th April from 7pm in the CRC Hall. This parish event will be hosted by our Maltese parishioners for all of us and will be a fundraiser shedding some light on Maltese culture. As is the case with our International Food Day when we invite everyone to come and share part of their culture, we are inviting our Maltese parishioners to showcase their culture for us. It is my intention to have more similar cultural events in our parish throughout the year. From this weekend, tickets will be available for the evening. Sonny Mallia is the contact person, and he can be contacted on 0412583069.
As mentioned, at Easter, we celebrate new life. Our parish will run its tenth session of Alpha starting on 17th April this year. I highly urge you to think about attending Alpha this year. We all have gone through times in our lives when we have questioned the very meaning of life. Perhaps you are going through this right now. Perhaps your daughter or son, brother or sister, or colleague is going through this now. Alpha is the best way to come to reflect on the deeper meaning of life, over dinner, a short film and conversation. May I ask you to consider attending and warmly inviting others to attend Alpha? The transformation in people’s lives their healing and closeness to Christ is testament to the fruits this wonderful program has to offer! Last night, our parish PLT attended a seminar hosted by Divine Renovation Australasia and Alpha at the Holy Trinity Parish in Altona Meadows. It was entitled “Made for Mission: Raising Leaders” and the presenters strongly highlighted how impactful Alpha can be in the life of parishes.
As the new Mass times started last Sunday, I would like to thank everyone who attended the 8:30am and 12.30pm Masses. As I mentioned, it was particularly difficult for me to get up at 6am last Sunday, despite the additional hour of sleep thanks to the end of Daylight Saving. The new Mass times was the beginning of a new chapter in the life of our parish. I am eager to see the start of different initiatives which can be carried out between Masses now that we have time for them. Again, I ask for your patience as we all settle into this new way of being the Parish of St Catherine of Siena, Caroline Springs.
We continue turning to our patron saint and we ask for her intercession.
St Catherine of Siena, Pray for us.
Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr Richard Rosse PP