Letter to Clergy from Most Rev Peter A Comensoli – Advent Appeal for Ukraine
22 February 2024 To the Clergy of the Archdiocese of Melbourne Dear Bishops, Fathers and Deacons, My warm and fraternal greetings to you as we journey toward the passion, death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour. In two days' time, the difficult second-year
Lent 2024
109. The Lenten season has a twofold character: 1) it recalls baptism or prepares for it; 2) it stresses a penitential spirit. By these means especially, Lent readies the faithful for celebrating the paschal mystery after a period of closer attention to the Word of
Letter To Friends Of Good Will – A Letter from Archbishop Comensoli
Dear friends of good will, The explosion of explicit antisemitism in parts of Australian society – on university campuses, in street protests, in mainstream and social media, and even among some claiming Christian belief – is shocking and deeply distressing. It
Parish Leadership Summit with International Speaker John Pridmore
Last Thursday, the ministry coordinators of the parish met together for the second leadership Summit for the year. The purpose of these summits is to show appreciation of our leaders, who so readily give up their time to help the parish.
Homily at Fr John Tollan’s Funeral Mass – By Very Rev. John Salvano
On Thursday 24 November 2005, John wrote to the Vicar General of the time, Monsignor Les Tomlinson, applying to be appointed first parish priest of Caroline Springs. In that letter he wrote: The formation of the parishioners is rooted in the
Parish Survey Results 2023
Survey details: 189 respondents, Survey conducted February/March 2023. Survey distributed via social media, email and hardcopy using surveymonkey.com. Survey purpose: to receive parishioner feedback on how we are doing and how we can improve as a missionary parish; to understand better