(Saturday 6pm Vigil)
8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm | Mass
9:30am | Mass
7pm | Legion of Mary
6-7pm | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
7pm | Mass
9:30am | Mass
Join us for a cuppa after Mass!
Immerse yourself in the Gospel of Luke which offers Saint Peter's account of Christ's life and teaching. This Lectio series uses the Church's rich tradition of Lectio Divina to help you better understand and better pray with the Gospel of […]
Youth Alpha is a place for those in high school and uni-aged to come and explore fundamental questions surrounding life, faith, and meaning!
Join us as we celebrate the ordination anniversary's of our two priests! Please bring a plate to share.
Immerse yourself in the Gospel of Luke which offers Saint Peter's account of Christ's life and teaching. This Lectio series uses the Church's rich tradition of Lectio Divina to help you better understand and better pray with the Gospel of […]
Youth Alpha is a place for those in high school and uni-aged to come and explore fundamental questions surrounding life, faith, and meaning!
Immerse yourself in the Gospel of Luke which offers Saint Peter's account of Christ's life and teaching. This Lectio series uses the Church's rich tradition of Lectio Divina to help you better understand and better pray with the Gospel of […]
Spring is in the air so we are dusting off the cobwebs on the BBQ. Come join us for a sausage or a burger after the 12pm Mass! All are welcome.
To baptise means to “immerse” in water. The one who is baptised is immersed in the death of Jesus Christ and rises with him as a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). This sacrament is often called “the door of the […]
(Saturday 6pm Vigil)
8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm | Mass
9:30am | Mass
7pm | Legion of Mary
6-7pm | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
7pm | Mass
9:30am | Mass
9:30am | Mass
10:30am | Ablaze Playgroup
7:30pm | SRM Charismatic Prayer Group
9:30am | Mass
6pm – 7:30pm | Ablaze Youth Group (CRC/Hall)
8:45am | Confession
9:30am | Mass
10am | Confession
6pm | (Vigil) Mass